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4 Articles on the Anti-Aging Science of Yoga

Earlier this week, I shared some research I found—studies on the benefits of doing yoga, specifically as it relates to osteoarthritis. Apparently, this is something to be mindful of as young as 45!

Several students commented on how interesting the statistics were and asked me to share my sources, so here they are! I hope you find the information useful. Oh! And if you’re looking for an alternative to cow’s milk (as you know, calcium is important for bone density), I’ve listed my favourite vegan options at the bottom of this blog. Happy reading!

Older woman doing a yoga push-up
Strong and Calm Yoga

“Yoga has been found to prevent and reverse bone loss. Yoga may result in better balance, improved posture, and greater range of motion, strength, and coordination, all factors that also mitigate the risk of falls and fractures.”~ Orthopedic Nursing

“The studies comparing the effects of yoga and exercise seem to indicate that, in both healthy and diseased populations, yoga may be as effective as or better than exercise at improving a variety of health-related outcome measures.” ~ Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Read more about the anti-aging effects of yoga from this outstanding study:

"Yoga, one of the world’s oldest health systems is receiving new attention for claims that it can contribute to healthy aging. Until recently, scientific evidence for its efficacy has relied heavily on small and poorly-designed research, but this is changing . . ." ~ Advances in Geriatric Medicine and Research

Check this one out, guys! A study on ZOOM yoga: two 45-minute classes a week!

“The tele-yoga training was performed on the Zoom software for 6 weeks, 2 times a week and 45 min a day. No intervention was made in the control group. Menstrual pain and symptoms by Menstrual Symptom Scale (MSS), quality of life by Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), depression levels by Beck Depression Scale (BDS), anxiety levels by State and Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI), body awareness by Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ), and self-esteem by Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were determined.

It is thought that tele-yoga training may be a safe and effective method in reducing menstrual symptoms and depression, increasing quality of life, and body awareness.” ~ Irish Journal of Medical Science.

Here’s a list of my favourite dairy-free, high-calcium milk alternatives (in fact, these are higher calcium than cow milk):

This one’s my favourite because it’s delicious, but it isn’t the highest in calcium:

Earth’s Own Oat Milk (100% CAD, too)


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