Since COVID-19, the entire world has hopped online, and yoga is no exception. As a small business owner and full-time teacher, my first response to our current situation was, well, heart-halting panic. And then? Inhale. Exhale. Now what.
Although virtual yoga is not a perfect solution, I have to say, it comes pretty close. It’s made me more technologically savvy—and in our day and age, that’s empowering. Really empowering, especially for generations who weren’t raised on iPhones and iPads and Galaxies. But that’s not the only benefit I’ve experienced from taking Eryn’s Yoga online. Virtual classes are a gentle, supportive, and even humorous introduction to the reality of web-based independence.
Here are 6 reasons why you should take the plunge, roll out your mat, and join me for a virtual class.
1. Save time. Kibosh the commute to class (unless you count walking from the kitchen to your mat). Traffic and parking are non-issues, which means serenity is only a few steps away.
2. Save money.
Class fees at ErynsYoga.com are per household, not per person. Enjoy a family yoga experience for $10 (versus between $60-$100 for a family of 4), in addition to saving the cost of gas and post-class cafes.
3. Enjoy Maximum Convenience.
Try yoga in your pajamas. Sip coffee before Sun Salutations. Skip the shovelling, de-icing, and treacherous winter roads, without skipping class. Adjust spacing, change temperature, add music, diffuse oils, (practice outside!), meditate after relaxation, or stay in Savasana longer. The options are endless and entirely yours.
4. Optimize Mental Health.
Research has shown that exercising our brain helps prevent dementia and other progressive diseases more common in older age. Practising online demands focus and concentration to resist the distractions in a home environment. Both are invaluable in the journey towards optimal health.
5. Network with students.
Connect with your virtual community for questions and conversation. Students can meet before class to chat with friendly faces and can linger afterwards with any questions or concerns. If the pre-class banter isn’t for you, just press “mute.” The option to engage (or dis-engage) is all yours.
6. Practise at your own pace.
Online yoga omits competitive vibes. Our tendency to compete and compare can make yoga an intimidating endeavour, especially for newer students. I always encourage students to take Child’s Pose when they need it or lie in Savasana, if that’s what the mind-body needs. From home, students are more likely to modify or take rest when needed and to listen to their body instead of relying on a teacher’s corrections. If a class just isn’t working for you, it’s as simple as standing up and walking away! Nobody would be the wiser.
If discomfort with technology is holding you back from exploring the virtual realm, reach out; I’m happy to help!